ATEX certification refers to the “Equipment and Protection Systems for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres” (94/9/EC) directive adopted by the European Commission on March 23, 1994.
This directive covers mine and non-mine equipment. Different from the previous directive, it includes mechanical equipment and electrical equipment, and expands the potentially explosive atmosphere to dust and flammable gases, flammable vapors and mists in the air. This directive is the “new approach” directive commonly referred to as ATEX 100A, the current ATEX explosion protection directive. It specifies the technical requirements for the application of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres – the basic health and safety requirements and the conformity assessment procedures that must be followed before the equipment is placed on the European market within the scope of its use.
ATEX is derived from the term ‘ATmosphere EXplosibles’ and it is a mandatory certification for all products to be sold across Europe. ATEX consists of two European Directives that mandate the type of equipment and work conditions allowed in a hazardous environment.
The ATEX 2014/34/EC Directive, also known as ATEX 95, applies to the manufacture of all equipment and products that are used in potentially explosive environments. The ATEX 95 Directive states the basic health and safety requirements that all explosion-proof equipment(we have Explosion Proof Damper Actuator) and safety products have to meet in order to be traded in Europe.
The ATEX 99/92/EC Directive, also known as ATEX 137, is aimed at protecting the health and safety of employees who are constantly exposed to potentially explosive working environments. The directive states:
1. Basic requirements to protect the safety and health of workers
2. Classification of areas that may contain a potentially explosive atmosphere
3. Areas that contain a potentially explosive atmosphere have to be accompanied by a warning symbol